Where can I borrow a laptop?
Laptops are available at the Circulation desk. Please stop by the desk to borrow one. PC (Dell) and Mac laptops are available for a 7 day loan and can be renewed twice via your library account. They are on a first come, first served basis. The laptops will come with a charging cable and laptop bag.
Remember that you need to save work on a USB drive or the cloud as the laptops are programmed to erase all saved work when shut down and will automatically reboot once a day.
Laptops come equipped with the following software:
- Microsoft Office
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Zoom
- Adobe Reader
- Mathematica
- Matlab
Patrons will incur a $5.00 per day late fee and will be charged a $2,000 replacement fee for lost or damaged laptops.
The laptop lending program is a joint effort by Skidmore SGA, Lucy Scribner Library, and IT.
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Research Help Desk
Spring 2025 Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00am-9:00pm
Friday: Librarians on call. Please ask at the Circulation Desk.
Sunday: 6:00pm-9:00pm
One-On-One Consultations
Schedule an appointment using our Research Help Request form.
You can also email your subject librarian to schedule an in-person or Zoom appointment.