Does the library provide films with public performance rights?
All films in the streaming database Kanopy can be shown both in classroom and non-classroom screenings for Skidmore community members (current students, faculty, and staff). This means that films can be screened in non-classroom settings like department events and club meetings/activities as long as all the participants are Skidmore community members and the activity/event is not for commercial benefit (no admission costs or profits made).
Some films in Kanopy also come with Public Performance Rights (PPR) for screenings to both Skidmore community members and outside community members (the general public) as long as the screening is not for commercial benefit (no admission costs or profits made).
Films in Kanopy are identified with a PPR in the record if they come with these public performance rights.
Academic Video Online
Many films from Academic Video Online can be shown both in classroom and non-classroom screenings for Skidmore community members (current students, faculty, and staff). This means that films can be screened in non-classroom settings like department events and club meetings/activities as long as all the participants are Skidmore community members and the activity/event is not for commercial benefit (no admission costs or profits made).
Films listed from the Film Platform channel in Academic Video Online are not allowed for screenings outside of the classroom, so please check this channel for your film if you plan to screen a film outside of the classroom.
No films can be screened to members outside of the Skidmore community (current students, faculty, and staff).
No films from Swank Digital Campus can be screened outside of the classroom or to members outside of the Skidmore community (current students, faculty, and staff).
Some films (mostly educational documentaries) that we've purchased on DVD have been purchased with Public Performance Rights. Contact a librarian to confirm if a DVD can be used for a screening.
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